- EMERITUS FACULTY, Disaster Research Center
- Professor Emerita, Sociology & Criminal Justice
EMAIL: nigg@udel.edu
PHONE: 302-831-6618
BIO INFO: Associated Projects | CV/Resume
Dr. Joanne M. Nigg is a Professor of Sociology and a former Director of the Disaster Research Center at the University of Delaware. Since 1975, she has been involved in research on the societal response to natural, technological, and environmental hazards and disasters. Currently, she is a core faculty member of the Disaster Research Center.
Dr. Nigg headed a multidisciplinary team that conducted a Congressionally-required public risk assessment for the proposed high level nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain in Nevada. She was also a member of the Research Committee (which set the cross-disciplinary research agendas ) for the NSF-funded Multidisciplinary Center for Earthquake Engineering Research.
Dr. Nigg has been involved in several federal reviews of the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) and has twice given testimony before Congress on the re-authorization of that program. She has served on a variety of federal commissions and task forces on disaster policies, and has been a member of the National Research Council’s Board on Natural Disasters as well as the NRC’s Committee on Earthquake Engineering. Dr. Nigg was the first woman and social scientist to serve as President of the Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI). She currently serves on the Division Review Committee for the Environment and Energy Division of Los Alamos National Laboratory and is in the process of obtaining a Q clearance for her work with LANL.
Dr. Nigg is the author, co-author or editor of seven books and over 100 articles, book chapters, reports or papers on individual, organizational, and governmental response to, preparation for, mitigation of, and recovery from natural and technological threats and disasters.
Societal response to natural, technological, and environmental hazards and disasters