- Researcher
EMAIL: fhenry@udel.edu
PHONE: 302-831-6618
BIO INFO: Associated Projects | CV/Resume
Felicia A. Henry is a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice at the University of Delaware. Her research interests include race, ethnicity, gender, class, carceral studies/geography, environmental sociology, social vulnerability, and community resilience to disasters. She is a Bill Anderson Fund Fellow and Recipient of the Unidel Award in Sociology & Criminal Justice, the University Unidel Distinguished Graduate Scholar Award, and the Corlett Nagel Family Disaster Research Center Enrichment Fund Award. She is also the recipient of the Natural Hazards Center Graduate Student Scholar award. Her work has been funded by the University of Delaware, and published in criminology, psychology, and environment journals, such as Corrections: Policy, Practice, and Research, Journal of Community Psychology, Journal of Crime and Delinquency, and Environmental Justice. She has also published on public facing platforms such as WHYY and Medium. Additionally, she has presented her work at national and international conferences such as those hosted by the Natural Hazards Center, Eastern Sociological Society, Northern European Emergency and Disasters Studies, American Society of Criminology, New York State Sociology Association, and American Public Health Association. Felicia is also the Founder of Behind the Walls, Between the Lines (BTWBTL) is a movement to deepen the awareness of the legacy of racial inequity in America, particularly within the criminal justice system, and inspire activism aimed at its dismantlement.
Race, ethnicity, gender, class, carceral studies/geography, environmental sociology, social vulnerability, and community resilience to disasters