Valerie Marlowe

  • Assistant Director, Archives and Collections, E.L. Quarantelli Resource Collection

EMAIL: marlowev@udel.edu

PHONE: 302-831-6618

BIO INFO: Associated Projects |



Valerie Marlowe is the Assistant Director for Archives and Collections at the Disaster Research Center. Valerie is responsible for strategic oversight of DRC collections and archival holdings, including the E.L. Quarantelli Resource Collection, which currently holds over 125,000 items, including historic research data and other disaster-related documents and publications. Valerie’s research and practical work primarily focuses on issues related to how disaster-related archives, collections, and other forms of cultural heritage are created and maintained, and what “big picture” organizational processes influence the assembling and stewardship of these important collections.

Valerie has participated in long-term field research for her dissertation, Organizing Culture: The Formation and Formalization of the World Trade Center Documentation Task Force, which focuses on organizational culture development within and among a group of archivists and cultural heritage professionals post-9/11, and quick response fieldwork focused on the library response to the Charlottesville Vehicle Attack (2017) and cultural heritage aspects of Hurricane Harvey (2017). Valerie has a Master’s degree in Leadership and Organizational Performance from Vanderbilt University and a Bachelor’s degree in English from Huntingdon College.


Organizations, sensemaking, organizational culture, archives, documentation, data, cultural heritage protection, and the formation of new cultural heritage in the disaster context.