Disaster Science and Management
The M.S. in Disaster Science and Management program approaches emergency management from a distinctly interdisciplinary, research-based point of view. The program emphasizes theories, research methodologies, and policies related to a broad spectrum of issues relating to emergency management. Courses emphasize disaster response, disaster recovery, social vulnerability, organizational behavior, crisis management, and other important topics. The program is offered in a hybrid format at the Newark main campus with intensive weekend sessions supplemented by distance learning to accommodate the schedules of busy professionals.
The Ph.D. in Disaster Science and Management programs approach disasters from an interdisciplinary science point of view. The programs emphasize theories, research methodologies, and policies related to risk, disasters, environment, climate, emergency preparedness, mitigation, management, and response. This program offers students rigorous substantive and methodological training in a collaborative research environment with nationally and internationally recognized faculty in their fields.

Civil Engineering
The Master of Civil Engineering (MCE) degree is awarded only to individuals who, upon admission, have an undergraduate degree in engineering, preferably in civil or environmental engineering. The student pursuing the MCE degree may choose a traditional thesis program or a non-thesis option. The disaster-related concentration for MCE is Civil Infrastructure Systems.
DEGREE: Ph.D., Civil Infrastructure Systems
A disaster-related Ph.D. in Civil Engineering is offered in the Civil Infrastructure Systems field. Ph.D. students work with their advisor to develop a program of study that provides appropriate breadth and depth. See the Ph.D. in Civil Engineering for the general academic requirements.

Comprehensive Examination in Disasters and Environment
The Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice offers a Masters of Arts and a Doctor of Philosophy degree program in both sociology and criminology. The primary focus of the program is the preparation of members of the next generation of sociologists and criminologists by emphasizing systematic training in theory and research methodology as well as teaching. These advanced education degrees are intended for persons interested in careers in academia, public service, or private enterprise. MA students can choose courses and a thesis topic related to the broader disaster sociology field. Ph.D. students choose two areas of specialization from such areas as Disasters & Environment, Medical Sociology, Gender, Race, Methods, Theory, Deviance, and Criminology. For additional information, visit UD Department of Sociology & Criminal Justice.

Public Administration
The Emergency Management specialization of the Master of Public Administration degree program prepares students to serve as disaster professionals supporting governments, communities and public organizations in the preparation, response, recovery, and mitigation of disaster situations. This specialization prepares students for career options that intertwine disaster preparedness planning with agency management and operations. It may also be a good choice for those contemplating careers in the fields of public safety or disaster research.