The Biden Institute is honored to host renowned scientific leader Dr. Anthony Fauci as part of the DRC’s 60th anniversary celebrations and workshop. Join Biden Institute Chair Valerie Biden Owens for this fireside chat about crisis decision-making.
Learn about how climate change is impacting Delaware coastal communities, what threats lie ahead, and strategies underway in the First State.
Spend some time with the DRC archives through our researcher-in-residence program. Apply for time with our professional staff to help you with your research needs.
Join in on the graduate student workshop for a day filled with professional development and engaging discussions, designed to set the stage for the days to come.
Join us for a unique opportunity to learn more about the extensive materials at the E.L. Quarantelli Collection that extends so much further than the books on our shelves. Be it photographs from previous field deployments, archival data, personal and professional papers of early scholars, or much more, our Open House will give a special look at our holdings.
Join us for a unique opportunity to learn more about the extensive materials at the E.L. Quarantelli Collection that extends so much further than the books on our shelves. Be it photographs from previous field deployments, archival data, personal and professional papers of early scholars, or much more, our Open House will give a special look at our holdings.
Disaster Research: Innovating for an Imagined Disaster Future
In addition to the workshop on May 2-5, 2024, attendees have the opportunity to sign up for several engaging events. Please see the events and their descriptions below. Check back soon as we are still developing a link to the conference registration page to make your selection/s.
THURSDAY May 2, 2024
8:30am – 3:30pm
The Audion, STAR Campus, University of Delaware
100 Discovery Blvd, Newark, Delaware 19713
(Across the street from the UD Athletics complex).
The graduate-student pre-workshop offers the opportunity to network with fellow graduate students and disaster research experts. Throughout these sessions, we will engage in activities to encourage networking and facilitate long-lasting connections. Such opportunities are essential to new and up-and-coming members of the field looking to expand their horizons and to grow into tomorrow’s thinkers, doers, and leaders. Attendees can expect thought-provoking activities that stimulate interdisciplinary discussion and help to build strong relationships in advance of the workshop. The day’s activities will also focus on introducing students to disaster-related research skills and concepts, media training, as well as exploring what the big ideas of tomorrow might be.
A boxed lunch will be provided on site. Meal selection at registration. See Planning Your Trip for information on how to take a UD Shuttle to the Audion.
Free to workshop registrants, thanks to a generous gift from Innovative Emergency Management.

Options on May 1, 2, and 5, 2024
E.L. Quarantelli Resource Collection
Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware
166 Graham Hall, 111 Academy Street Newark, Delaware 19711
(Entrance through back of the building)
The E.L. Quarantelli Resource Collection is offering a Researcher-in-Residence program. Attendees can apply for a session for individualized assistance from collection staff and work with collection materials that are only available on-site. Spaces for this opportunity are limited, and advance application is required to ensure we can accommodate your needs. For consideration, please email drc-60th-workshop@udel.edu with the subject heading researcher-in-residence.
Free with workshop registration. Not eligible for “Blue Hen registration” option.

THURSDAY May 2, 2024
3:00pm – 6:00pm
E.L. Quarantelli Resource Collection
Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware
166 Graham Hall, 111 Academy Street Newark, Delaware 19711
(Entrance through back of the building)
An exciting open-house opportunity is available for attendees of the workshop. Join us at the E.L. Quarantelli Collection for an in-depth exploration of DRC’s archives and history, and explore opportunities to utilize the collection for your own future research. Attendees will have an opportunity to listen to an original recording, on reel-to-reel tape, featuring an interview segment with DRC founding director E.L Quarantelli. This segment was highlighted in the book This is Chance!: The Shaking of an All-American City. Other recordings of DRC founders E.L. Quarantelli and Russell Dynes will be shown. An early exhibit of documents and artifacts from Professor Quarantelli’s professional papers collection and from Professor Dynes’s family will be on display, along with other rare and hard-to-find disaster research materials. Take in photographs from DRC’s early days and learn about the important work underway at the Center. Questions? Email elq-resource@udel.edu for more information.
Free with workshop registration.

Evening, following the Biden Institute event, Times TBA
(attendees will be contacted)
Restaurants will be selected from those on or near Main Street in Newark, Delaware.
Anyone up for dinner? Although some participants in the pre-workshop activities may wish to reconnect with friends and colleagues over dinner on their own, we will offer several pop-up dinner opportunities. Join a graduate student from the Disaster Research Center, who will convene a small, medium, or larger group of workshop attendees around a specific topic or theme at a local restaurant. Attendees are welcome to chat about that topic, or simply get to know each other. Attendees cover the cost of their own meals. Those who register will receive additional information as the date approaches.
Change of travel plans and you would now like to join in? Contact us at the conference email and we’ll see if we can still accommodate you. Feel free to bring along a guest, if you are traveling with someone else who is not attending the workshop. Just make sure to note their attendance for the pop-up in the registration.
Cost: Free to register with workshop registration; Attendees are responsible for their own transportation, meals, and beverage costs the night of the event.
- Pop-Up #1: Interested in learning about the E.L. Quarantelli Collection, disaster archives, and the role of libraries and museums in disasters? Join Cornelia Posch and Valerie Marlowe at Iron Hill Brewery at 7pm. Registration for this event is full.
- Pop-Up #2: Are you a graduate student (or student-at-heart) who wants to connect with other students prior to the workshop? Join Adam Andresen as he convenes this lively option at a Delaware institution: Grotto’s Pizza. 6:00pm (A group will depart the Open House at 5:40pm to walk over, or see you there at 6pm).
- Pop-Up #3: Just added! Interested in chatting about disaster movies? Whether it’s the original Poseidon Adventure, a Zombie Apocalypse in World War Z, or campy movies like Twister, join this lighthearted discussion with James Kendra at Taverna Restaurant at 7pm. Contact drc-60th-workshop@udel.edu to register.
- Pop-Up #4: Just added! This group will enjoy a lively discussion about the field of emergency management and business continuity. Join DRC alum Zachary Cox, currently with Penn Medicine, at Taverna Restaurant at 6:30pm. Contact drc-60th-workshop@udel.edu to register.
Check back as more Pop-Ups are offered.

FRIDAY May 3, 2024
In honor of DRC’s 60th Anniversary Celebration
Fireside Chat with Dr. Anthony Fauci and Biden Institute Chair Valerie Biden Owens
Late afternoon/early evening
The Biden Institute, established at the University of Delaware’s Joseph R. Biden, Jr. School of Public Policy and Administration in March of 2017, is a world-class intellectual center and destination for scholars, activists, policymakers, and national leaders. The mission of the Biden Institute is to bring together the sharpest minds and the most powerful voices to address our nation’s toughest problems while educating and engaging the next generation of leaders.
For more than a half-century, the University of Delaware’s Disaster Research Center has been at the forefront of conducting innovative research that improves crisis management and decision-making. In honor of the 60th anniversary of the Disaster Research Center and as part of its celebratory workshop, the Biden Institute is honored to host Dr. Anthony Fauci. Formerly the director of the National Institutes Of Health’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and currently a Distinguished University Professor at Georgetown University, Dr. Fauci is a renowned physician, immunologist and infectious disease researcher, and scientific leader. He has advised seven U.S. Presidents on multiple health crises such as HIV/AIDS, SARS, MERS, avian influenza, swine flu, Zika, Ebola and COVID-19, among emergent diseases. He will join Biden Institute Chair Valerie Biden Owens in a fireside chat about decision-making during crises as well as lessons for the next generation of leaders.
Free: With Workshop Registration

Morning Run/Walk Kickstarter
Early morning, before the conference on Saturday, 7am
Meeting point: Courtyard Marriott Hotel Lobby
400 David Hollowell Dr, Newark, DE 19716
Parking at the Marriott or Upper Lot in Clayton Hall
Get ready to kickstart your day with some early morning fun! Join DRC graduate students Maria Porada and Roni Fraser for a FREE, friendly group run through the picturesque White Clay Creek Park, conveniently situated behind the conference hotel and center. This is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with friends or make new ones while enjoying a relaxing wooded environment. Whether you’re up for a leisurely stroll, a moderate jog, or a full-on 5K challenge, we’ve got you covered! We’ll set distance markers along the route giving you the flexibility to choose your own distance and adventure. Attendees can double back at any time, if they choose. You can register for the event in the workshop registration, but we welcome last-minute runners, too.
Free with registration. We welcome a selection at registration but feel free to join in last-minute that morning.
Celebratory Dinner In honor of DRC’s 60th Anniversary
Evening, following the workshop
Autumn Arch Beer Project
810 Pencader Dr. C, Newark, Delaware 19702
Join us on the last night of the workshop for a celebration of DRC’s 60th anniversary. This informal evening at a local brewery will give alumni a chance to reminisce about their time at DRC as well as its impact on their work and for workshop attendees to continue the engaging conversations stimulated by the past few days.
Cost: $50 – includes dinner and two beverages; transportation from the workshop venue and to the conference hotel provided (Registration capped at 100 people).

SUNDAY MAY 5, 2024
8:30am-10:30pm (approximate times, attendees will be notified)
Rehoboth Beach
Bus leaves from Courtyard Marriott Hotel Lobby.
400 David Hollowell Dr, Newark, DE 19716
Coastal communities in Delaware are home to year-round residents, form a growing economy, and serve a bustling tourism population (including the current President!). Interested in learning more about how climate change is impacting these areas, what threats lie ahead, and strategies underway in the First State? Join this post-workshop field trip to Rehoboth Beach and surrounding areas, led by UD faculty members and practitioners working in the state. Participants will find their own way to the Courtyard Marriott Hotel lobby for early check in and departure. There will be some time for lunch on your own and visiting some of the shops in Rehoboth Beach mid-day. The rest of the day will involve engaging discussions and site visits. A group dinner will take place at your own cost before participants return to the Marriott Hotel late Sunday night. Those who choose to stay in Rehoboth Beach to extend their visit are responsible for their own transportation thereafter.